Luxury Symposium 2024 FAQs

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Can I bring a guest with me?

Yes! We now have the guest ticket option on the Symposium registration page. If you would like to bring a guest to the Welcome reception or the Party, the price of each ticket is available $99. You can add on up to 3 guest tickets at checkout when you purchase your Symposium ticket.

Can my guest attend the other events at Symposium with a guest ticket?

Guest tickets will only grant access to the Welcome Reception and the Party. To attend all of the events we will be hosting this year, you must purchase a Symposium ticket.

Are all of the rooms booked for the Luxury Symposium?

If you run into any issues when booking your stay from the link in your Symposium confirmation email, please reach out to us at as we are adding more rooms to the room block.

Do I have to book the room or is it included?

You will need to book your hotel room individually, and we highly encourage booking an on-site room as there will be additional moments of "surprise and delight" while there. You can book a room on the hotel link available in the confirmation email you received when you registered.


Will my contact information be shared with other registrants?

Yes. This disclaimer is a reminder to all participants and attendees of KW Luxury Events that the contact information shared during and after the event may not be shared or disclosed to non-attendees. Contact information may only be used for professional networking, collaboration, or discussions directly tied to the event's subject matter; unsolicited marketing in any form (e.g., calls, texts, etc.) using the provided contact information is prohibited unless you obtain appropriate consent. By registering, you agree to adhere to these guidelines: You must comply with applicable spam laws, including the CAN-SPAM Act, when utilizing contact information obtained during and/or after the event as it relates to KW Luxury Symposium. By participating, you confirm your understanding and agreement to abide by these terms, and non-compliance may lead to consequences under spam laws and regulations.

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